
Welcome to the Patient Information Section.  Our hope is that you start your experience with us as knowledgeable as possible about your visit before you even step in the door, and that you leave the office with a clear path for what to do next. This section strives to answer all of your questions and concerns, as a recent study shows that 80% of all patients know nothing about the test1.

If you have additional questions or concerns you’re not finding answers to here please take a moment to look over our entire Patients section and Registration Forms before sending a message or calling the office, as the most common questions and concerns we hear are all addressed here.

Before the Test:

What is an EMG, NCV, or Ultrasound? In Ultrasound, NCV, and Ultrasound Basics we explain what Electromyography (EMG) and Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) are and what to expect during the test.  We also touch on the use of Ultrasound to accompany the diagnosis in some cases.

What symptoms are associated with an EMG/NCV?  In our How do I know if I need an EMG?  section we go over the most common diagnoses and the symptoms associated with them, as well as the diagnoses that may not benefit from an EMG or NCV. 

Can I request an EMG?  Within the How do I schedule an appointment? section we go over the steps that are necessary to be seen in our office.  It is important to keep in mind that we are by referral only, so you must see your Primary Care Physician (PCP) or a specialist first, and we must receive a referral from their office before you can be scheduled.

What should I do to get ready for my appointment? In How to Prepare for the Test we hope to provide you with all the information you will need for the day of your appointment.  Read over this section after you get scheduled to help you to come to the office prepared so you can be seen as quickly as possible.

Is there any other information about my visit I should be aware of? The Important Information for Your Appointment section highlights important do’s and don’ts to follow regarding policies and protocols that are in place to help you facilitate your visit as safely, quickly, and smoothly as possible.  Please read over this section before scheduling your appointment and refer back to it before you come in.

What insurances do you take?  Within the Billing and Insurance page we have provided a list and links to all the insurances we currently take.  The links are for your convenience and are not in any way an endorsement of any insurance carrier.  Be advised this list can change at any time.  If you are unsure if we take your insurance or if the test is covered, it is always best to check with your insurance company first.

Where can I find registration forms?  It is a good idea to look over the Registration Forms page to guide you in getting them filled out properly and what to do when you’re done.

After the Test:

I’ve had my test, what do I do now?  You’re referring office will determine what will happen after your test, but in After the Test we provide information of what to expect after your appointment and steps you can take to make sure you see your referring physician as quickly as possible.

I’ve received an EOB or statement from your office, what are my options to pay my bill?  Under the How can I pay my bill? section we explain what information we need and the steps for how to get your bill taken care of.  You may contact the office any time, but it will likely expedite the process if you’re aware of the information we need to properly process your payment.

1Mondelli, Mauro, Aretini, Alessandro, Greco, Giuseppe.: Knowledge of electromyography(EMG) in patients undergoing EMG examinations, Functional Neurology, CIC Edizioni internationali. 29, 195—200 (2014)